The Olympic Games
- обобщение изученной
лексики по теме;
- контроль перевода и уровня
понимания тематических текстов;
- организация практического
использования материала в устной речи.
Общеобразовательная: развитие общего кругозора учащихся.
Развивающая: развитие памяти, внимания и умения правильно оформить
высказывание и выбрать главное в потоке информации.
- привитие интереса к
- привитие интереса к спорту
и здоровому образу жизни.
Языковой материал: изученная и новая лексика на основе тематического
Речевой материал: ранее изученные грамматические структуры
и времена.
Оснащение урока: интерактивная доска, компьютер,
мультимедиа проектор, обычная доска, наглядность, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент:
Слайд 1
Учитель: Good morning,
pupils! I am glad to see you. At the today`s lesson we`ll speak about sport
and, of course, about the Olympic Games. There are many different events and
people in the history of sport, that is why our lesson is going to be interesting
and informative. On the blackboard you can see the statements of famous people:
Doing exercises, I want to
make my body more well-balanced.
Слайд 2
Physical exercises are the
healing part of medicine.
Слайд 3
When I am among the people
who go in for judo, I feel as if they are my closest relatives.
Слайд 4
Фонетическая зарядка:
(на обычной магнитной доске развешаны отдельные звуки английского языка и
слова для фонетической отработки)
Учитель: Please, repeat the
words after me.
- [t] – team, take, tennis
- [r] – tradition, run,
- [w] – well, win, swimming
- [θ] – health, athletics
- [ai] – symbolize, organize
Речевая зарядка:
Учитель: Please, answer my
- Is sport important in our life? Why?
- What kind of sport do you like?
- You know, there are Winter and Summer
Olympic Games. What winter/ summer sports do you know?
(ответы учащихся)
II. Обобщение материала на основе домашнего текста:
Учитель: The Olympic Games
have a long and interesting history. Let`s repeat the main facts from the
beginning of the Olympic movement up to the last events. On the interactive
whiteboard you can see several dates.
(на интерактивной доске учитель выписывает несколько дат) Слайд 5
Please, tell me what
happened in 776 B.C. / 394 / 1896 / 1952 / 1980 / 2008/ 2010? (учащиеся
рассказывают о тех событиях, которые произошли в эти годы)
776 - The beginning Of
the Olympic games in Greece,
in which Koreb from Elide won the contest in the run [1]. Up to the 14-th
Olympic games run on the stage remained only kind of competitions. Olympic
games were held every fourth year, in the first or the second full moon after
the summer solstice.
The Olympic games were banned Christians in year 1 293-th Olympic games
(394).) The Emperor Theodosius I
Great forbade The Olympic games, the emperor Feodossy both pagan and were again
revived only in 1896.
Games of 1952 were the first
in the history of the match at the Olympic arena two political systems. IN this
confrontation, which lasted exactly 40 years, then joined all the leading
countries of The west and the east, as well as Cuba
and Japan.
on February 13, 1980 -
opening of the XIII Olympic winter games in lake Placid.
In 2008, after the Olympic
and Paralympics games in Beijing will be the first in the history of The
intellectual games.In October 2008, after the end of the Olympic games (august
8-24) and Paralympics games (6-17 September) in Beijing will be the first in
the history of The intellectual games in four kinds of sports - chess,
draughts, bridge buddies and go
Xxi Olympic winter games 2010
(2010 Winter Olympics are held from 12 to 28 February 2010 in the Vancouver in Canada.
Учитель: The Olympic Games
have symbols, such as the Olympic motto and the Olympic flag. What is
the motto? (Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос, а на интерактивной доске учитель
открывает правильный ответ). Слайд 6
Now Tanya tells us
about the Olympic
Flag It is
believed that the five rings - a symbol of the five continents (Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and america). On the flag of any state
is, at least, one the color of the olympic rings.
The Flag Of The Olympic Games
The official flag Of The Olympic Games represents the image of the
olympic logo on a white background (Slide 22). The white color symbolizes peace
during the games. The flag was first used at the games of 1916, but they did
not take place because of the war, so for the first time flag appeared at the
olympic games 1920 in
antwerp (Belgium). The olympic flag is made
of satin with embroidered, bordered by golden fringe - used in the ceremonies
of opening and closing of each Olympic games. At the closing ceremony of the
mayor of the city-host of the Games passes the flag to the mayor of the
city-host the next games. During the four years of the flag remains in the
building of the city administration, which is preparing for the next Games.
Blue Europe
Black Africa
Red America
Yellow Asia
Green Australia
1.What do the rings on the
flag symbolize? (на интерактивной доске высвечивается олимпийский флаг,
и учащиеся рассказывают о его символике).
2. Why is the Olympic flag
white? (
peace during the games)
3. What does the colours of
the Olympic rings means?
Слайды 7-12
Well, Julia,
please, tells us about The Olympic Flame.
The Olympic flame
The ritual of lighting the sacred fire comes from the ancient Greeks and
was renewed Кубертеном in 1912. Torch lit
in Olympia
directed beam of sunlight, educated concave mirror (Slide no. 24). The Olympic
flame symbolizes purity, an attempt to improve and fight for victory, as well
as peace and friendship. The tradition of lighting a fire in the stadiums was
started in 1928 (at the winter Olympic games in 1952). Relay race on delivery
torch in the city-host The games for the first time took place in 1936 (Slide
№25). The Olympic torch is delivered to the main stadium of The games during
the opening ceremony, where with the help of it lit the fire in a special bowl
of the stadium. The olympic flame burns up to Olympic games closing
does the Olympic flame symbolize? (purity, attempt to improve and fight for
is the Olympic torch delivered to the main stadium?( during the opening
Учитель: Now let`s see some
fragments from the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games: the moment of
hoisting the flag and lighting the flame. (учитель включает DVD диск, на
котором записаны отрывки церемонии открытия олимпиады) Слайды 13-14
III. Практическая часть (отработка языкового и речевого материала в системе
- The game "Believe or not believe”
Учитель: If you believe,
you should raise red cards, if you do not believe, please, raise blue cards.
По ходу проверки уровня понимания и владения материалом учитель может
вписывать на интерактивной доске рядом с утверждениями слова "True” / "False”
- The first Olympic Games were held in Russia.
- In 2012 the Olympic Games will be held in Moscow.
- The last Winter Olympic Games took place
in Canada.
- The Olympic Games have been held since the
19th century.
- A red fox was the symbol of the Olympic
Games in Moscow.
- The Olympic Games are held every four
- The Olympic Games are held only in Europe.
- The Summer and Winter Olympic Games are
held separately.
- The International Olympic Committee
chooses the country to hold the Olympic Games.
The task is to tell the
names of the people and their kinds of sport.
Учитель: Who is she? What
kind of sport is she famous for?
1 ученик: She is Alina Kabaeva, her kind of
sport is gymnastics.
2 ученик: He is V.V. Putin. He is famous for
such kind of sport as judo. (и т.д.)
3 ученик: He is Andrei Karelin. His kind of
sport is Wrestling.
Слайды 15-18
Учитель: The next
task is to guess what sport and achievements these sportsmen are
famous for.
1 ученик: She is Elena Isinbaeva. I know
that she is the World and the Olympic champion.
2 ученик: I can see Roman Pavlyuchenko. He
is my favorite football player.
3 ученик: I like Tatyana Lebedeva, who won
many medals not only in long jump, but also in triple jump.
4. She is Julia Chepalova. I
know that she is a skier.
5. I can see Aleksandr
Zubkov. He is my favorite bobsleigh.
6. I like Helena Isinbaeva,
who won many medals in triple jump.
7. He is Andrei Kirilenko,
he is famous basketball player.
8. The next sportsman
is Nikolai Kruglov. He is my favorite biathlonist.
9. I can see Ilya Kovalchuk
and Aleksandr Ovechkin. They are hockey players.
Слайды 19-20
Учитель: Now, please, do
the test by yourselves on the sheets of paper:
A) Answer the questions:
- Do you prefer to go in for sport or to
watch it on TV?
- Why are the Olympic Games a great festival
for people?
B) Complete the sentences:
- My favorite kind of sport is …
- The most popular kind of sport in Russia is
- The most popular kind of sport in our
school is …
C) Translate the sentences
into English:
- Олимпийские Игры включают
много видов спорта и проводятся в разных странах мира.
- Я знаю многих российских
спортсменов, потому что я регулярно слежу за спортивными событиями в нашей
стране и во всём мире.
- Мой любимый летний вид
спорта – футбол.
- Я бы хотел поехать на
олимпиаду в Сочи в 2014 году.
IV. Завершающий:
Учитель: In the Internet I
found interesting statistics for you. Here you can see the places which
different countries took during the Winter and Summer Olympic Games. Слайды 21,22
Учитель: At home you must
write a story about your favorite sportsman, using any information you can
find. I hope you understand that sport is very important and useful. Please,
love sport and go in for it. Thank you very much. The lesson is over.